Campaign Guide
A Handy Dandy Guide To The Games I Tweet About The Road Goes Ever On My first DMing experience, running since January 2017 Originally set in the area around Daggerford, the party has been taken to the realm of Barovia (Curse of Strahd module) and already beset with horrors there. There's a tyrannical vampire lord in control of the realm and they are trapped there. I keep, generally, to published books and some Unearthed Arcana, though I do have a few house rules and I'm sure we'll add to them as time goes on. PCs Include: • Amalia (Lia) , half-elf celestial-pact warlock. A newer addition to the party, charming but has let slip some important secrets, much to several people's dismay. Her beauty and tongue is a double-edge sword. • Regina , aasimar glamour bard. Bubbly and charming (charismatically and magically), likely the happiest person in all of Barovia. • Ulec Brewthane , dwarven champion fighter. Brusque, bold. He wants ...